Promoting exports and internationalisation has long been one of the key policy areas in Finland. Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s Government seeks to promote exports and internationalisation with various activities. The Team Finland network, consisting of public actors providing internationalisation services to companies, plays a key role in promoting exports and internationalisation, aiming to provide companies with a smooth service chain from advice to financing. The development of the Team Finland network has been a goal for several years. The long-term aim has been to ensure a smooth service path and customer experience for companies.
The purpose of this evaluation was to provide information on how the Team Finland network and its services meet the needs of companies and support their growth and internationalisation. The evaluation focused on the effectiveness of Team Finland’s operations, especially from the perspective of recent reforms within the network. The aim has been to find out the added value of the joint customer work of the Team Finland network model.
The main methods and data sources of the evaluation were statistical and econometric analysis, literature and documentary analysis, electronic business survey (N=701), expert survey for the Team Finland network members (N=134), expert interviews (60), business interviews (29) and stakeholder workshops. The evaluation was carried out as part of the implementation of the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities between 3/2021 and 5/2021. The evaluation was conducted by 4FRONT Ltd. and Etlatieto Ltd.
The final report of the evaluation has been published in Finnish. This Policy Brief presents the conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation in English.
Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities, Policy Brief 2022:19.
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