The labor market for early childhood education teachers
Research group: Labour market and education Research began: 2023 Research ends: 2024 Sponsored by: Ministry of Education and Culture

Responsible for research:

The labor market for early childhood education teachers

The labor market for early childhood education teachers

There exists a shortage of qualified early childhood education teachers across all municipalities in Finland. This issue has prompted significant concern due to the widely acknowledged far-reaching implications of teaching quality, with the qualification of early childhood education teachers being an integral component thereof. This research project aims to investigate the various factors that may contribute to a potential resolution of the early childhood education predicament.

At the core of this project lies the central question: to what extent is the shortage of qualified teachers influenced by factors pertaining to the demand and supply dynamics within the domain of early childhood education?

Our examination of the matter of entering and remaining within this profession encompasses three distinct perspectives:

  1. To what extent do different regions (provinces and municipalities) exhibit disparities in the numbers and turnover rates of qualified kindergarten teachers? Are variations discernible across these geographical areas concerning remuneration, the volume and age distribution of children enrolled in early childhood education, or other pertinent job-related characteristics?
  2. What correlations exist between salary levels and the engagement of early childhood education teachers in their profession? What are the ramifications of salary fluctuations on applications to the profession, the duration of employment in the field, and potential career transitions?
  3. We endeavor to determine the feasibility of assessing the impact of legislative modifications affecting the working conditions of early childhood education on the career trajectories of early childhood education teachers. A particular area of interest pertains to the influence of working conditions on the overall comfortability within the profession, consequently impacting retention rates.

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