The availability of quantitatively sufficient and qualitatively sound financing represents an indispensable prerequisite for facilitating the material and immaterial investments essential for fostering productivity development. Conversely, advancements in productivity and profitability profoundly influence the extent to which companies become attractive investment targets from the perspective of external financing providers.
This research endeavor undertakes an in-depth analysis of the financing conditions experienced by companies, the significance of external financing accessibility in facilitating productivity growth, and the determinants of long-term economic growth within the Finnish context. The overarching goal of this project is to generate conclusions and insights of considerable import for shaping future societal and political decisions pertaining to the enhancement of the national securities market and financial infrastructure.
The project comprises two interrelated components, and its execution is conducted in collaboration with Labore, which bears responsibility for executing the second segment of the investigation.
Part 1: Evaluation of Financing Conditions for Companies in Finland
Part 1 entails the comprehensive evaluation of the financing conditions experienced by companies, both through a critical examination of extant research literature and by utilizing statistical data. Etla is entrusted with the oversight of Part 1.
Part 2: Assessment of Human Capital, Innovation, and Productivity Development in Finland
Part 2 involves an assessment of Finland’s productivity development, taking into consideration the factors that have historically influenced it and those poised to shape its trajectory in the future. This assessment draws upon an exhaustive review of existing research literature and the analysis of pertinent statistical data. Labore is responsible for the execution of Part 2.