Support for the green transition and digitalisation in Finland
Research group: Growth, international trade and competition Research began: 2023 Research ends: 2024 Sponsored by: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland

Responsible for research:

Support for the green transition and digitalisation in Finland

Support for the green transition and digitalisation in Finland

In the scope of this research project, a comprehensive examination is conducted to assess the extent and economic significance of business subsidies pertaining to digitalisation and the green transition.

The project involves a meticulous survey of information from public sources, elucidating the various green transition and digitization support programs that have been instituted by different governmental authorities in recent years, along with a detailed analysis of the entities entrusted with their administration. Moreover, the project endeavors to provide an elaborate account of how these subsidies are strategically allocated across industries, geographic regions, and companies of varying magnitudes.

Furthermore, this project seeks to elucidate any articulated goals associated with the support programs, whether they are qualitative or quantitative in nature, and subsequently evaluate the congruence between the size and targeting of the support measures and the overarching objectives set forth.

Responsible for research: