In this research project, the costs caused by sick leaves during the period of 2019–2021 are examined, along with the connections between measures to support work ability and the development of sick leave and its costs. The work package includes two different parts, which are examined through literature review and data analysis.
Work Package 1: Literature Review
The literature review addresses the costs of sick leaves, their allocation, and their significance to the employer and employee in the light of economic literature. The literature review has three key themes: the formation of costs, the allocation of costs, and the effects of costs in different sectors.
Work Package 2: Data Analysis
Work Package 2 includes two different data analyses, which are descriptive research and impact research. In descriptive research, the focus is on mapping the costs of sick leaves through lost working hours. Additionally, the possibility of examining other forms of costs and allocation is evaluated.
Key questions:
The impact research is based on the registry data of KEVA. It statistically examines how different interventions have affected various sick leave profiles (short, long, disability, etc.). Interventions include the results of supervisor surveys on conducted work ability support activities.