ETLA Economic Research (Etla) is a private, non-profit economic research institute. Etla conducts independent, applied economic research on key issues for Finnish business and the national economy.
Etla’s overall economic forecast for Finland is published twice a year. Industry-specific forecast is also published twice a year. In addition, Etla also forecasts the development of Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions and Finland’s cost competitiveness. A subscriber-based monthly publication is published 9 times a year. All these reports are in Finnish.
Etla’s researchers have an expert role in the working groups of ministries and other entities. They also give statements, are consulted in parliamentary committees and make presentations at scientific seminars and other events.
Etla employs about 40 people. Most of the institute’s research staff have completed a doctoral degree in economics.
Operations are maintained by a support association, whose financing covers about a third of total costs. Each research project receives its own individual project fundings. Projects have been financed by organisations such as The Academy of Finland, Business Finland, the Government, various ministries, foundations and the European Commission.
Etla has two subsidiaries: project research unit Etlatieto Oy and Taloustieto Oy.
Etla and The Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA) have a joint board of directors, CEO and financial administration.
Requests for statements should be sent to
You can easily reach any member of Etla’s staff by e-mail or phone:
Jobs and prosperity are based on successful business operations. A competitive environment requires strong market economy built by predictable economic policy based on a scientific research.
ETLA Economic Research provides information on key issues central to the Finnish national economy, especially the business sector, and helps develop the economic policy pursued in Finland.
Etla is, among other things, the only Finnish member of the Association of European Conjuncture Institutes (AIECE) and The European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes (ENEPRI) studying economic policy and the European Forecasting Research Associaton for the Macro-Economy (EUROFRAME) network, which forecasts the economic development of the euro area and evaluates economic policy in the region.
Through the links below you can become acquainted with Etla’s international network.