High employment, a functioning society and prosperity are based on successful companies. A competitive environment requires strong market economy built by predictable economic policy, which is in turn based on scientific research.
ETLA Economic Research provides useful information based on the study of key issues central to the Finnish economy, especially the business sector, and contributes to the economic policy in Finland. This requires scientific rigour as well as bold and activity in the social debate.
Reliability comes from scientific expertise and research integrity. Expertise is guaranteed by being Finland’s best place to work for PhDs in economics interested in applied research that assists economic decision-making processes and by encouraging researchers to publish in peer-reviewed journals and collaborate with qualified international colleagues.
Etla aims to be Finland’s most significant economic research institute for economic policy-making.
We strive to ensure that the rest of the research community, including researchers from disciplines other than economics, political decision-makers, authorities, interest groups, companies and the media, recognise Etla as a co-operative partner.
We believe that information is useful when it is relevant to decision-making, produced at the right time with the most advanced methods of enquiry and the highest of research ethics, and presented in a clear and easily understandable form.
When research information for decision-makers is reliable, up-to-date and usable they are more likely to use information in their decision-making.
Finland’s economic policy should be based on scientific research and acknowledge the importance of a thriving business sector as precondition for the well-being of Finns more clearly than at present.
The aim is to find out how economic policy can promote competition between companies, improve operating conditions in Finland and boost the competitiveness of Finnish production on the world market.
Research examines the effects of key major movements (megatrends) on operating conditions in the business sector and the preconditions of Finland’s economic policy.
The focus of labour market and education research is the transformation taking place in work and adaptations to it. Technological development, globalisation and demographic changes affect the labour market in many ways and pose challenges to labour force and education policy. This research group investigates these phenomena thoroughly.
This research group examines the effects of competition, digitalisation and the data economy, as well as public sector actions such as policy and regulations, and how they affect company strategy, commercial innovations and market operations. One particular topic of interest is what especially the possibilities are available through innovation-driven growth. The group also studies how export companies become successful as well as trade policy changes and their economic effects.
The main focus of public finance research is on issues related to the funding of social security and the division of labour between the private and public sectors. Economic policy is analysed with an emphasis on, the sustainability of public finances and the creation and evaluation of related operational strategies. From macroeconomic perspective, the group studies the development of both the Finnish economy as a whole and the overall global economy an their effects on Finnish business life.
This research covers the renewal of companies, industries and the national economy. Discontinuities and transitions related to globalisation, technological development and company structures are often a focus of interest. Almost every project involves cooperation with companies or other stakeholders.