Etla and the Labour Institute for Economic Research LABORE are evaluating two research funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (Secle) the promotion of continuous learning. The aim of the studies is to determine how participation in continuous learning could be increased among underrepresented groups in education, and how participation in education affects employment and income.
The first study is a test of the effectiveness of information. It examines whether public authorities can increase the participation rate of underrepresented groups in continuous learning by providing targeted information to individuals. The study is a randomised field trial, with the target group being 25–64-year-olds residing in Finland without a secondary education.
The aim of the second study is to find out whether public authorities can increase the participation rate of underrepresented employed individuals in education by funding seeking activities that involve bringing information and guidance to workplaces. The study emphasises expert guidance provided in the workplace and the design of demand-driven educational paths, taking into account the industry and local educational offerings provided by employers. It will be conducted as a regionally randomised trial.