The effects of the green transition on the availability of labor and the success of companies

The effects of the green transition on the availability of labor and the success of companies

The project examines the effects of the green transition on the labor market and the ability of companies to operate. First, we will examine how the Finnish labor market has adapted to the green transition, and how easily people are able to transition, for example, from high-emission occupations to green occupations. In this context, the effects of work-related immigration on the availability of labor are also studied. Next, we will find out whether the so-called green companies more productive and less emitting than non-green companies. The results of the project provide a comprehensive picture of the effects of the green transition from the perspective of the labor market.

The research questions of the first work package of the project are:

  • How easily have the employed or unemployed been able to switch to new green occupations?
  • Are enough new employees being trained for the labor market who would be suitable for green professions due to their education and skills?
  • What role does work-based immigration play in the availability of green occupations?

The research questions of the second work package of the project are:

  • What kind of companies have the largest proportion of green jobs?
  • Are green companies more productive than non-green companies?
  • Are green companies more productive in the use of their emissions?

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