Smart Work in Platform Economy (acronym: SWiPE) is the Academy of Finland and Strategic Research Council funded strategic research consortium, which studies how recent advances in digitalization changes content, quality, and quantity of human-performed work and implications of these changes on education, organizational structures, and entrepreneurship.
The forms and contents of work as well as the ways to work in paid employment and in entrepreneurship are changing. Majority of the changes are directly or indirectly related to the globalization, new technologies and platforms. One part of these changes concern also education.
SWiPE consortium analyzes the renewal and transformation of work in Finland, new entrepreneurial activities and shifts between paid work and entrepreneurship. In addition, it analyzes vocational training and of entrepreneurial university as examples of the needs of the future work. Migration and entrepreneurship are relevant to analyze as research themes in the consortium as well.
SWiPE Consortium analyses these phenomena in collaboration formed by the researchers at the University of Turku, at ETLA and at FIOH. SWiPE partners include SITRA, Finnish Family Firms Association, KONE Elevators Ltd, Finnish Federation for Settlement Houses, Centre for Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship, UK.
The project’s chief coordinator at University of Turku is Anne Kovalainen. See the list of SWiPe’s all publications.