Innovation and Growth Research 2024 – How to boost R&D through internationalization and sustainability

Innovation and Growth Research 2024 – How to boost R&D through internationalization and sustainability

This project focuses on new sources of innovation-driven economic growth, with an emphasis on sustainable development and international trade mechanisms. The project provides research-based information on how regulation and policy measures can promote such growth in Finland.

The research increases understanding of new sources of innovation-driven economic growth and how the emergence and utilization of new sources of sustainable growth could best be promoted through regulation and politics.

The goal of the project is to answer the following research questions:

  1. How do the changes in foreign trade affect the innovations of domestic companies, such as external R&D activities, patents and the workforce structure of companies?
  2. How have Finnish industries been able to adapt to changes in world trade compared to other EU countries, and does R&D explain these differences?
  3. Are more innovation-intensive companies more efficient in reducing their emissions compared to other companies?
  4. What is the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions in Finnish industry?
  5. How does environmental policy (such as emissions trading) affect the innovation activities of companies?

The project’s research team consists of researchers with extensive experience in researching issues related to innovation, globalization, green transition and economic growth.

Responsible for research: