Brexit – What kind of value chains are there between Finland and Britain? (Etlatieto Oy)

Brexit – What kind of value chains are there between Finland and Britain? (Etlatieto Oy)

British exit from the European Union (Brexit), has raised questions about its effects. Both Sweden, Ireland and Denmark have made estimates about the consequences of Brexit. The effects of Brexit on global trade are not limited only to trade flows between two countries. Global value chains will tie different countries together in much more complicated way than before. More products and services will be produced in many stages of these value chains and often involve many countries.

The project analyzes value chains between Finland and the UK. Finding these value chains helps to understand what kind of direct and indirect value chain links exist between countries. These may possibly be used in different trade policy issues.

Research questions are:

  • How much value added to Finland generates from Finland’s direct exports to the UK?
  • What are the main transit countries through which the value added generated in Finland ends up to the UK?
  • Which are the most important countries where the product or service exports from Finland to the UK eventually end up?

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