Skills and Education Needs in the Green Transition VISIOS

Kuusela Olli-PekkaMykrä NiinaJousilahti JuliaNeuvonen AleksiArola TerhiMarkkanen IlonaNokkala TerhiLehtonen AnnaHeikkinen HannuOinonen IlkkaAlhola KatriinaHuttunen SuviPaloniemi RiikkaPohjola JohannaSaarinen Taru


Over the last few years, the green transition has become a key principle determining the direction of society and the economy. In addition to investments in new technologies and real capital, we need the skills to use and develop them. In the on-going decade, the labour needs of the green transition will focus on energy efficiency, energy supply, construction and transport investments.At this phase of the transition, the green skills required of the employees do not significantly differ from their current skills profiles. This highlights the need for continuous learning services.

In the longer term, the green transition will affect a wide range of professions, solutions of citizens’ everyday lives and their experience of societal development. Responding to these developments will require strengthening sustainability skills at all levels of education, in all forms and programmes. In particular, there is a need to emphasise the role of transformative learning, challenging current practices, skills and structures, as part of building the knowledge base for the green transition.

Publications of the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities 2023:31.

Publication info

Results of research
Education and skills need of green transition (VISIOS)
Research group
Labour market and education
Green transition, Labour market structure, Skills needs, Sustainability skills, Education, Education policy
Publisher / series
Publications of the Government,s analysis, assessment and research activities 2023:31
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