REGROW seminar: Finland back to the growth path, but by what means?

Hotel Kämp, Kluuvikatu 2, Helsinki

REGROW seminar: Finland back to the growth path, but by what means?

The world and its current economic growth paradigm are facing an exceptional combination of health, environmental, and economic crises. The Covid-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, accelerating climate change, energy shock, and persistent economic stagnation are jointly reshaping the societal landscape, and Finland is no exception.

Finding a sustainable growth path necessitates the revitalization of innovativeness, as well as investments in the resilience of societies and a favourable political environment.

A joint research project, REGROW – Reigniting growth through innovation by Etla Economic Research and the University of Turku, attempts to address the key challenges to the current growth paradigm. The project searches for novel policy levers to increase the effectiveness of innovation in the landscape of global turmoil. Several high-quality international researchers from Stanford University, the University of Waterloo, the IMF and the University of Oxford are also involved in the project.

Welcome to the final seminar of the project!

The morning event is in English and the afternoon research seminar is in Finnish.


09.00 Opening speech / Research Director Tero Kuusi, Etla Economic Research

09.10 Keynote: Productivity and Growth: Past and Future Trends / Professor Bart van Ark, University of Manchester, UK

09.40 Keynote: Trials, Tensions and Trilemmas – Political economy challenges facing Europe / Professor Iain Begg, European Institute of London School of Economics

10.10 Coffee break

10.20 Panel discussion: What possibilities are there in the economic policy toolbox?

  • Professor Bart van Ark
  • Professor Iain Begg
  • Member of Parliament Elina Valtonen, National Coalition Party (Kokoomus)
  • Research Director Tero Kuusi, Etla Economic Research
  • moderator: Economics reporter Emil Elo, HS Visio

11.00 Public discussion

11.30 Lunch

12.15 Research seminar (in Finnish)

14.00 End of the event



Registration will be closed on Friday the 4th of November at 10AM.