This report summarizes the BRIE-ETLA conference held on August 30, 2018 at Hotel Kämp, Helsinki. It follows the structure of the event; after a short lead-in, it summarizes the session keynotes and provides some discussion points (the slides used by the presenters are available in the Appendix of the report). The report highlights that recent technological advances span a whole range of complicated policy issues. Data ownership, access, and portability are central in the context of digitalization; privacy, security, bias, and liability are related but nevertheless separate policy issues. It is also noted that technology does not determine outcomes: people – and their aggregations as teams, organizations, and countries – use technology as a tool and ultimately determine outcomes. Having technology augment humans – rather than replace them – is a choice we can collectively make.
This report is a part of BRIE-ETLA, the research collaboration BRIE, the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy at the University of California at Berkeley, and ETLA (kindly supported by Business Finland and Technology Industries of Finland). We thank Esma Akkilic and Juuso Heinonen for their support and Martin Kenney and John Zysman for their remarks. First and foremost, we would like to thank all the presenters, participants, and other organizers who made the event on August 30, 2018 a great success!
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